
Become a tipster

We thank you with the tipster commission

You are not a real estate agent but you know someone who wants to sell/rent a property? If you give us a tip, we will give you a share of up to 10% of our total commission as a thank you. KBC Real Estate is always looking for new properties for its clients. You are welcome to support us in this process and ultimately benefit from it.

How do I benefit from the tipster commission?

  • You know someone who wants to sell his/her land or property.
  • You can give us a tip by phone, e-mail or using our contact form.
  • We will immediately check your tip and get in touch with the person in question.
  • We will discuss the possible course of action and the further procedure.
  • If the property is subsequently sold, we will thank you with the agreed tipster commission.

What are the requirements?

  • The plot of land/property for which we receive a tip from you must not yet be known to us.
  • No other real estate agent has already received the assignment and the object has not yet been publicly offered.
  • The land or property is successfully brokered and the purchase is concluded (successful notary appointment).

What do I have to pay attention to?

  • If you pass on the data of the person concerned to us, please make sure that you have given your consent
  • You as a tipster must explicitly confirm that you are authorized to pass on the owner's data.
  • If you are the owner of the property, we are unfortunately unable to pay you a tipster commission.
  • If we receive several tips for a property, the tipster commission is only paid to the first one.
  • Of course, we can only pay out the tipster commission if we have successfully received the brokerage fee.
  • You as the recipient are responsible for the final taxation of the tipster commission.