Abkürzungen und Begriffe

Abbreviation and Terms

Your List from A to Z

If the many abbreviations in real estate ads, especially in newspapers, appear in Spanish, then this overview of the real estate market may help you. Numerous abbreviations are often used in real estate advertisements. Here is an overview with translations of the most common abbreviations used in real estate ads in a list from A to Z.

Abl Ablöse. (Detach. When the apartment is taken over, a sum of money will be charged for certain installations such as kitchen, marker, etc.)
Abst Abstandszahlung (Indemnity payment)
App Appartement (Apartment. Small apartment with one big room, kitchen and bathroom)
AR Abstellraum (Storeroom)
Ausst Ausstattung (Equipment)
bezugsf Bezugsfertiges Haus oder Wohnung. (House or apartment ready for occupancy. That means the apartment is finished and unoccupied.)
Bd. Bad (Bathroom)
Bj Baujahr (Year of Construction)
BK Betriebskosten (Operating costs)
BLK, Blk Balkon (Calcony)
BW / BaWa Badewanne (Bathtub)
Bung. Bungalow (Bungalow)
bzb. Beziehbar (available)
Ct Courtage (Brokerage)
DB Duschbad (Shower room)
DG Dachgeschoss (Top floor)
DH Doppelhaus (Semi-detached house)
DHH Doppelhaushälfte (Half of the Semi-detached house)
Do.-Gge. Doppelgarage (Double garage)
DT Dachterrasse (Roof terrace)
Du. Dusche (Shower)
EB Erstbezug (First-time occupancy)
EBK Einbauküche oder Einzimmer mit Bad und Küche (fitted kitchen or single room with bath and kitchen)
EFH Einfamilienhaus (Single family house)
EG Erdgeschoss (Ground floor)
EK Eigenkapital (Equity)
ELW Einliegerwohnung (Granny flat/apartment)
erschl. erschlossen (developed)
Etg. Etage (Floor/level/story)
ETW Eigentumswohnung (Condominium/condo)
ET-Whg Etagenwohnung (Apartment/flat)
EZW Einzimmerwohnung (One-room apartment/flat)
FB-Hzg Fußbodenheizung (Floor heating)
Freist Frei stehendes Haus (Detached house)
FW Fernwärme (District heating)
Gart. Garten (Garden)
Gge. Garage, Stellplätze (Garage)
G-WC Gäste-WC (Guest WC)
Grdst., Grd. Grundstück (Property/plot)
HK Heizkosten (Heating costs)
HM Hausmeister (Janitor)
HP Hochpaterre (Raised ground floor. Often in old buildings, whereby the upper edge of the floor of the first floor apartment is at least 1.5m above the ground.)
Hs. Haus (House)
HZ Heizung (Heating)
JM Jahresmiete (Annual rent)
KDB Küche, Dusche, Bad (kitchen, shower, bathroom)
KM Kaltmiete (Cold rent, rent excluding heating)
Komf. Komfort (Comfort)
KoNi Kochnische (Kitchenette)
KP Kaufpreis des Objekts (Purchase price of the object)
KT, Kt. Kaution (Deposit)
Kü. Küche (Kitchen)
Kzi. Kinderzimmer (Children's room)
Lg. Lage (Location)
Man/Mans. Mansarde (Mansard)
MBW Massivbauweise (Massive construction)
MC Maklercourtage (Brokerage)
ME Mieteinnahmen (Rental income)
MFH Mehrfamilienhaus (Apartment house)
MM Monatsmiete (Monthly rent)
möbl. Möbliert (Furnished)
MS Mietsicherheit (Rental security/collateral)
mtl. Monatlich (Monthly)
MV Mietvertrag (Rental agreement/contract)
NB, NB-Hs. Neubau, Neubauhaus (New building)
NK Nebenkosten (Additioanl/service charges)
NM Nachmieter (Next tenant)
NR Nichtraucher (Non-smokers)
Nutzfl., Nfl. Nutzfläche (Usable floor space/area)
Obj. Objekt (Object/property)
OG Obergeschoss (Upper floor)
OH/öZH Ofenheizung, Ölzentralheizung (Oil central heating)
OT Ortsteil (District)
p.a. per anno/pro Jahr/jährlich (annually)
prov.-fr provisionsfrei (commission free)
Prov. / PV Provision (Commission)

RDM Ring Deutscher Makler (Ring German Brokers)
rep.-bed. Reparaturbedürftig (in need of repair)
RH / RMH / RHHS Reihenhaus oder Reihenmittelhaus (terraced/town house)
SZ Schlafzimmer (bedroom)
San-Obj. Sanierungsobjekt (Renovation object)
S-balk. Süd-Balkon (Southern balcony)
S-Lg. Südlage (Southern exposure)
sof. Frei (free)
Spei. Speicher (Attic)
SPK Speisekammer (Pantry)
Stpl. Stellplatz für Pkw (Parking space for cars)
T€ Tausend Euro (thousand Euro)
Terr. Terrasse (Terrace)
TG Tiefgarage (Underground parking)
UG Untergeschoss (Basement)
Uml. Umlagen (Costs allocation)
UM  Untermieter (Subtenant)
v. Priv. von Privat (from private, without broker, free of commission, see next tenant above)
VB, VHB Verhandlungsbasis (negotiating basis)
VDM Verband Deutscher Makler (Federation of German Brokers)
VR Vorratsraum (Pantry, storage room)
VS Verhandlungssache (Matter of negotiation)
Wfl, Nfl. Wohnfläche, Nutzfläche (Living space)
WB Wannenbad (Bath)
WBS Wohnberechtigungsschein (Certificate of eligibility for housing)
WE Wohneinheit (residential/housing unit)
WG, Wohngemeinschaft (Shared-flat/apartment)
Whg Wohnung (Apartment/flat)
WM Warmmiete (Warm rent, rent including heating)
WM / WaMa Waschmaschine (Washing machine)
Wohnfl. Wohnfläche (Living area/space)
WoKü Wohnküche (Eat-in kitchen, size for dining table and kitchen)
z.BAB zur Bundesautobahn (to the federal highway/freeway)
ZH Zentralheizung (Central heating)
Zi Zimmer (Room)
ZKB Wohnung mit Zimmer, Küche, Bad (Apartment with room, kitchen, bathroom)
ZKBB Zimmer, Küche, Bad + Balkon (Apartment with room, kitchen, bathroom, balcony)
ZKBD Zimmer, Küche, Bad + Diele (Apartment with room, kitchen, bathroom, entrance hall)
ZÖV Zentrale Ölversorgung (Central oil supply)
ZB Zimmer mit Bad (Room with bathroom)